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The team’s shared vision is to develop cutting-edge simulation methods and techniques, with the goal of unveiling our understanding of the universe. 



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Silvio Varela

Ph.D. student at the Universidad de La Serena (December 2023)
Supervisors: Facundo Gomez (ULS), Patricia Tissera (PUC)


Thorold Tronrud

Ph.D. student at the Universidad Andrés Bello.
Supervisors: Patricia Tissera (PUC), Facundo Gomez (ULS)
–Joined the team in 2019. Finished January 2023

Currently, Software Engineer, StarFish Medical.

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Maria Sol Rosito 

Supervised Ph.D. Thesis together with Susana Pedrosa, –Formación y evolución de galaxias elípticas, at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2019). Supervised CONICET's Ph.D. Fellowship grant I & II (2015-2019)

Currently, Postdoctoral fellow at Harvard School of Public Health.

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Lucas Bignone

Supervised Ph.D. Thesis together with Leonardo Pellizza,–Los efectos del polvo interestelar en la detección de GRBs y su impacto en el estudio de la formación de galaxias at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2017).  Supervised FONDECYT's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015-2019)

Currently assistant researcher at IAFE UBA-CONICET, Argentina

M. Celeste Artale

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Supervised Ph.D. Thesis together with Leonardo Pellizza, –Feedback de fuentes de alta energía en galaxias at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2015). Supervised Bachelor Degree at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2010). Co-supervised CONICET's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2010-2017). Currently, assistent professor at Universidad Andrés Bello.

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Tomas Tecce

Supervised Ph.D. Thesis together with Sofia Cora,–Efectos del Entorno sobre la Formación y Evolución de Galaxias at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2011). Supervised CONICET's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2011-2013). Supervised CONICET's Ph.D. Fellowship grant I & II (2005-2010).

Currently, Technical Manager, Data Science at Globant.

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Maria E. De Rossi

Supervised CONICET's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2009-2011). Supervised Ph.D. Thesis –Evolución Química de Galaxias, at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2009). Supervised Bachelor Degree at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2005).

Currently, researcher at IAFE, UBA-Conicet, Argentina.

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Sebastian Nuza

Supervised Ph.D. Thesis –Los GRBs y su conexión con la evolución de la estructura en el universo at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2008)

Currently, researcher at IAFE, UBA-Conicet, Argentina.

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Cecilia Scannapieco

Supervised Ph.D. Thesis –Formación de Galaxias, Evolución Química y Vientos Galácticos at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2006). Supervised CONICET's Ph.D. Fellowship  grant I & II (2003-2006). Supervised Undergraduate Degree at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2002). Currently, researcher at the Physics Departament, UBA-Conicet, Argentina.

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Leonardo Pellizza 

Co-supervised Ph.D. Thesis together with Juan Carlos Forte, –Estudio del origen de los sistemas de cúmulos globulares en modelos de agregación jerárquica at the Universidad Nacional de La Plata (2003).

Currently, researcher at IAFE, UBA-Conicet, Argentina.

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Anell Cornejo

Magister in Astrophysics, Institute of Astrophysics, 2023.
Supervisor:  Patricia Tissera 

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Tracy Catalan

Supervised MSc. student –Gradientes de Metalicidad de Poblaciones Estelares en Galaxias, at the Universidad Andrés Bello (2019).

Currently, Outreach Assistant, Millenium Institute of Astrophysics

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Enrique Paillas 

Co-supervised MSc. student together with Nelson Padilla,–Baryons effects on voids statistics in the EAGLE simulations, at the Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile (2017).

Currently, postdoc at University of Waterloo.

ALUMNI: Bachelors in Physics and Astronomy


Abigail Ganopol

Supervised Bachelor in Physics at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2006).

Supervised CONICET's Ph.D. Fellowship grant I & II (2006-2009).

Currently, Satellite Operations Manager at Comisión Nacional de Actividades Espaciales.


Elisa Chisari

Supervised undergraduate degree with Leonardo Pellizza at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2009).

Currently, professor at Institute for Theoretical Physics of Utrecht University.


Pedro Cataldi

Supervised undergraduate degree together with Susana Pedrosa, at the Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires (2017).

Currently, PhD student at Universidad Nacional de Buenos Aires supervised by Susana Pedrosa.


Ulises Hernandez

Supervised Bachelor in Astrophysics at the Universidad Andres Bello (2018).



Martin Solar

Supervised Bachelor in Astrophysics at the Universidad Andres Bello (2018).

Currently, PhD student at Universidad Adam Mickiewicz, Poland.

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Alain Andrade

Supervised Bachelor in Astrophysics at the Universidad Andres Bello (2020).

Currently, PhD student Universidad Andres Bello.


Javiera Mesias

Supervised Bachelor in Astrophysics at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022.


Francisco Jara

Supervised Bachelor in Astrophysics at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022.


Brian Tapia

Supervised Bachelor in Astrophysics at Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, 2022.

ALUMNI: Postdoctoral fellows


Sofía Cora

Co-supervised CONICET's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2000-2001).

Currently researcher and professor at Universidad de La Plata, Argentina


Josefa Perez

Supervised CONICET's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2004).


Owain Snaith

Supervised  Postdoctoral Fellowship of the ITN CosmoComp Network, FP7 EU (2011).

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Noelia Jimenez

Supervised CONICET's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2013-2014).

Currently, Microsoft IA for Good

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Rubens Machado

Supervised FAPESP's Postdoctoral Fellowship (2015-2016).

Currently Professor at University of Curitiba, Brasil.


José Hernandez

Postdoc –ALMA-CONICYT Postdoctoral Fellowship 2018
Supervisor: Patricia Tissera 2018-2020

Currently,  Universidade do Vale de Paraiba


Yetli Rosas-Guevara

Research Assitante (Fondecyt)

Currently,  Donostia Intentational Institute 


Doris Stoppacher

ALUMNI: Others

Research students at PUC:


Isha Shailesh: Research project 2022-1

Ben Rouse: Research project 2022-2



 Supervised fellows:


Maria Sol Alonso: Co-supervised CONICET's Ph.D. Fellowship grant I & II (2003-2004).


Alejandro Lopez: Co-supervised Ph.D. Fellowship  together with Felix Mirabel – granted in 2000 by the Consejo de Investigaciones Científicas de Buenos Aires.


Analia Smith-Castelli: Supervised CONICET Ph.D. Fellowship grant I (2004-2005).

Supervised Ph.D. Fellowship grant I, (2003-2004) by the Universidad Nacional de La Plata.

We are looking for:

Young researchers and students who want to realize their full potential and think boldly to search for new approaches to explore the universe.

Four ways our team at PUC can empower you

  • World-leading research and tuition

  • Freedom to think and explore

  • Challenging projects that will provide visibility and impact

  • Solid prospects

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